
Teaching Portfolio


My name is J.J. Sylvia IV, and I’m currently a Ph.D. student in the Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media program at North Carolina State University. I also have an M.A. in Philosophy, and a double B.A. in Communication and Philosophy. I taught Introduction to Philosophy for six years, and various philosophy and communication courses at Mississippi Governor’s School for five years. At North Carolina State University I teach Public Speaking and Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society. Working at the intersection of these subjects, I strive to to understand how technology impacts the way we think about and interact with the world around us.

In the classroom, I bring a passion for student centered learning through the use of the dialectic process, integration of technology, kinesthetic learning, and analysis through relevant and timely popular culture examples. I derive a great deal of fulfillment from helping others discover and understand the power of ideas in the world around them and continually develop both my own understanding and the ways in which I can share that with my students. I aspire to create innovative, hands-on courses that blend practice and theory in a way that challenges and engages students.

The following portfolio is designed to give a glimpse of my teaching philosophy as well as a fuller view of my classroom and an understanding of how I teach.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Philosophy and Reflections

  1. Teaching Philosophy
  2. Techno Teaching Philosophy Video
  3. Teaching Activity: Reflection and Evaluation
  4. Translating Research into Practice Paper: Using Bloom’s Taxonomy To Assess Social Media Assignments
  5. Review: John Dewey’s Education and Democracy

Section 2: In the Classroom

  1. Case Study: Gamification and Critical Making
  2. Case Study: Digital Pedagogy and Public Speaking
  3. Sample Assignments
  4. Videos: In the Classroom with J.J. Sylvia IV
  5. When Teaching Works: Taking the Risk to Be Yourself



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January 19th, 2025

Public Domain Media on RaspberryPi Popup Server

So why create a popup with the media? Much of the material is posted to YouTube, which makes it easy to view but not easy to download and incorporate into creative projects. The Internet Archive makes files more accessible, but it can often be hard to determine if something hosted there is actually in the public domain. This popup offers a curated collection of public domain materials that can easily be downloaded and incorporated into creative projects.

February 11th, 2020

Becoming Data

Here is more information about the project!

January 17th, 2016

About J.J. Sylvia IV

J.J. Sylvia IV is a Doctoral Candidate (ABD) in the Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media Program at North Carolina State […]

February 5th, 2015


Refereed Journal Articles Sylvia IV, J.J. and Mark Andrejevic (Forthcoming, 2016) “The Future of Critique: Mark Andrejevic on Power/Knowledge and […]

January 23rd, 2015

Case Study: Digital Pedagogy and Public Speaking

Although the Public Speaking courses at North Carolina State University are standardized by requiring the same book and major assignments, […]

January 16th, 2015

Case Study: Gamification and Critical Making in the Classroom

Background and Reflection In the fall of 2014, I taught an Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society course (see syllabus) […]

January 16th, 2015

Techno Teaching Philosophy Video

The following video was created as a way to reflect creatively and technologically about my teaching beliefs, using the MaKeyMaKey, […]

February 5th, 2014


International / National Presentations Programming Future Conduct: How Big Data Affects Subjectivation and Self-Care at International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, […]

December 10th, 2013

Teaching Philosophy

The way to enable a student to apprehend the instrumental value of arithmetic is not to lecture him upon the […]

December 10th, 2013

Review of Dewey’s Education and Democracy

What follows are my reading notes and thoughts from John Dewey’s Democracy and Education, which have illuminated my understanding of what it […]