The Advertise That Bind: My Data and Predictive Analytics

Although I’m admittedly cautious about what information I share online, I still don’t have much of a doubt that I...

Predictive Analysis and Big Data

Predictive Analysis and Big Data

I blame Wolfpack Students and Buzzfeed for the majority of data that businesses/corporations, politicians, and non-profits collect on me. I...

Twentysomething? Check! In College? Check! Needs Coffee? Double Check! Send in the Starbucks Ads.

Judging from the ads that I receive on Facebook and Youtube, I think targeted ads would see me as a...

Politics and PA

Politics and PA

Much like everyone else, I do a lot of online shopping. Because of this, I am literally giving companies and...

A Prediction of Myself through Predictive Analytics

I primarily notice being targeted by companies when engaging in online shopping. After purchasing a particular item, the website will...

Self-Made Data Mine

I’ve said before in previous posts that I don’t tend to notice the amount of data I output but, considering...

Shop n’ Stalk

Since I do a lot of online shopping (or really, online browsing), I know that retail companies have a pretty...

Reading and Blog Post for March 30

Reading to be read before class on Wednesday, March 30. “Are We Stuck in Filter Bubbles? Here are Five Potential...

Predictive Analytics Readings

Reading to be read before class on Monday, March 28. Big Data: A Revolution that will Transform how we live,...

NodeXL Template

NodeXL Template

After downloading NodeXL try downloading this template.